Worst Dates Ever

I've been reading a lot of relationship, love and dating blogs lately. I may have spent the majority of my life in a relationshio, but staying in a relationship is easy. Far to easy. It's easier to stay with something your used to, but hate, than to find the courafe to leave and walk into the unknown.

That said, a lot of these blogs simply show that the unknown is a landscape ravaged with peaks, crevices and plenty of landmines that you must traverse in order to reach the heavenly plains of romantic bliss beyond the horizon.

Some of the very very worst dates ever can be found at -> myveryworstdate.com

Other great Dating and looking for love blogs include : Plenty more fish out of water by fishy and Rapunzel's Tales from the Ttower - These two bloggers are so committed that they even met and went out on a date together, for the sake of love and their blogs. It was great fun to read their posts with great anticipation.

Another great one is Tales from an Internet Dater : Right know this blogess is in the throws of the buzzingly exciting newly in love relationship status. not with a man she met online, but rather a guy who came to help fix her boiler! Really hope it all goes well for her.

Kitty tells it like it is  : A yound single mum who is also navigating her way through building a new 'post serious relationship' but seems to be doing well, and is fun to read.

There are more but these are my favourites.
