Silence Sucks

Silence Sucks - Just ask Martin Luther King Jnr...

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Or Bob Dylan 

Experience teaches us that silence terrifies people the most.

Yet Confucius says:
Silence is the true friend that never betrays.

Maybe now - with the wisdom of confucius I can start to understand your silence.

My Bucket List

My Bucket List - V1.0

I figure everyone should have a 'Bucket List' - A list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket!

So I have resolved to start my own. I think 100 Items in the list is fair - I will have to come back and edit it to add some, and tick off those I have done.

But for now I present - Version 1.0 of My Bucket List

1. Drink real Absinthe - the green spirit that was long banned
2. Eat something that has truffles in it
3. Have Jello (jelly for us in oz) shots
4, Meet Dave Grohl
5, Learn to play Love buzz on a bass
6. Leave some graffiti under the bridge
7. Go to the Atlantis Resort
8. Have breakfast and read the morning paper in central park
9. Ride Lethal Weapon @ Movie World
10.Get My MC (Multi Combination) licence - to legally drive a B-Double
11. Have sex in a body of water
12. Watch all of the Star Wars movies
13. Watch the entirety of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy (I always fall asleep after they leave the shire)
14. Live in a city other than Sydney
15. Go Skinny dipping
16. Finish a Quilt so it can become a family heirloom
17. Finish the quilts my nan didn't get to
18. Be a size 16 again (well I can hope)
19. Get 'Cause the one's that hurt can give so much, you gave me such' tattooed on me
20. Do @ least one more demolition Derby

I think I will leave it @ 20 for now... The one thing I'd like to re-experience before I die is being pregnant and giving birth - crazy huh? lol  Maybe I only wish that because I know it can't happen!

til version 1.2 - ciao

Ibanez - and a hot chick

As the title says - its a hot girl with an ibanez guitar...

... would look hotter if it were a Fender Jag-Stang!!

More Love Buzz

This is a bit of an experimental post - just to check out this cool online mp3 player - Im going to start an actual real and proper blog soon, so I'm just checking out some features I'd like to add to it.

This being one of them - get yours @

Music Playlist at

I can't stop these tears from falling

Another Artistic creation - although I'm not even close to happy with the outcome - again credits to  for the wet ink typography tutorial which helped me create this.

I'm Definately on a typographical journey today

Font used is - Kingthings Serifique - which you can download free @

& a slightly different version - not sure if you can tell the difference - I'll definitely re-visit this project again.

Version 2

VIOLET - the poster via spoon graphics

Violet - a text poster created with a tutorial from spoon graphics

I love Typography

And for the longest time have wanted to do a bunch of typographical art - but only now that I have re-formatted my laptop and re-installed photoshop - I can FINALLY do them.

However after reading through Chris's Tutorial I think the same thing could be achieved using Corel's Paint Shop Pro - however it would be a much more laborious project.

Find more cool tutorials along with graphics and web related goodies @

I code like a Girl

I code like a girl

But I am a GIRL

Yet still... I'm proud I code like a girl... this blog here being the exception to said rule.

Another quick note - this may be my final post - I'm about to reformat my laptop and fear I will get cut off from the world permanently by doing this - so if you are somehow reading this I ♥ you.

If I were a meme

I love meme's - so this is probably the first of many to come...

I took this meme from Decoy Betty - & I know it needs to be reformated - but need to just store it here in case I haven't saved it before I reformat my laptop

If I were a month: February - always changing, it's the only month that changes

If I were a day of the week: I'd be a lazy Saturday afternoon - as on Sunday you have to get ready for monday.
If I were a time of day: I'd be 10:43pm - the most common time of day people have sex - or 3 am...
the witching hour - it's 3 am in the morning...eminem
If I were a planet: I'd be venus - mysterious and uncharted, but with a temperature so high it prohibits life.

If I were a sea animal:I'd be a great white shark
If I were a direction: I'd be north - so you could work out where you were when compared to me
If I were a piece of furniture: I'd be a comfy beat up sofa - may not look great but f*ckin comfy.

If I were a liquid: I'd be coke - vanilla coke

If I were an animal: I'd be a chamealeon - ever changing to try to fit into my surroundsif
If I were a gemstone, I’d be amethyst (kinda obvious - violet/pisces/febuary) - or a bright deep pink or black saphire

If I were a tree:I'd be a willow

If I were a tool: I'd be a swiss army knife - useful for all kinds of little things, but not useful for anything major.
If I were a flower: I'd be a vivid pink lily - or the ones from Meg's boquet (?)

If I were a kind of weather: I'd be the raging thunder storm after a hot summers day - the southerly that roars through
the gong and shire to chase the heat away

If I were a musical instrument: I'd be a bass guitar (but would love to be Dave grohl's set of drums!)

If I were a color: I'd be - well I am violet - but if I were a color... I could never stay the same - so a deep
holographic purple that changes colors depending on how you look at it - like on worked v8's.

If I were an emotion: I'd be that one funny moment that makes you smile whilst in the depths of great despair
- or the comfort in being sad

If I were a fruit: I'd be a blueberry - just cause they're cool

If I were a sound: I'd be the reverberation of Dave Grohl hitting a drum - or the bass line to love buzz
If I were an element, I’d be fire - despite my love of water - Fire can throw light into deep darkness, illumination and enlightenment, comfort and warmth yet also burn, damaging and destroying. Good and bad all converged into one..
If I were a car: I’d be a pony named Elanore
If I were a food: I'd be a steak sandwich form the grand Hyatt in Melbourne.
If I were a place, I’d be the safe comfort of my own bedroom - one for only me - my posters on the wall, my mattress on the floor.
If I were a material: I’d be well worn cotton jersey or pale soft faded denim
If I were a taste: I'd be a tequila sunrise, sweet yet sharp
If I were a scent: my favorite incense - nag champra
If I were an object: I'd be a goose down body pillow.
If I were a body part: I'd be a pregnant belly or a tattooed piece of skin
If I were a facial expression: I'd be the look of a light bulb switching on in someone's mind.
If I were a song: I'd be Violet - 'when I get what I want - then I never want it again' 'might last a day... might last forever'(or rape me - you're shit aint gunna bring me down)
If I were a pair of shoes: I'd be my rare cherry red & black marbled Docs - found in my size ( a stupidly huge 10) for $8 in a salvo's store