Illumination by Candle Light

A Candle Never Loses its Light by Lighting Another Candle. an ancient proverb

When a Candle shares it's flame with another, Its flame is not diminished nor Its illumination dimmed. By sharing its flame with another, It creates another flame. A flame that can now also be shared and combined their ability to illuminate grows such that together they can shine light into places where darkness once hid.

I'd like to think that a Heart can be like a candle. Not loosing its love by sharing it with another, but rather gaining experience and the power that comes with such. Deepening and enriching the life of the hearts owner as well as the hearts it shares its Love with.

 At least that is my take - Once I can put that, along with a few points as to why guilt shouldn't be felt, My Reply to the message should be almost complete.

If only sleep were like a candle, or a heart. Yet again I ponder on my love for sleep and the unrequited love insomnia has for me.