A Tangled web

I wanted to tell you that you should know you can trust me. You can trust me with anything, nothing you could say would make me turn my back on you. No secret, no matter how bad it is would change the way I feel for you. My friendship is something you would never have to worry about losing.

That is until I found out about the secret you wouldn't share with me.

I do not know if it is the secret that disgusts me, the thing that you did that irks me or is it that you kept it secret. Why could you share it with others but not with me?

I have thick skin and a caring compassionate heart. I'm not normally judgemental and often unusually understanding. I can take the worst of things and find a way to find a positive within a mess.

Why would you keep from me something that so many other people all know about? The small amount of disgust I feel for what you did is magnified greatly by both your secrecy and inability to discuss it or even tell me about it. This isn't something insignificant, it's fucking monumental.

Times like these make me ponder things of a philosophical nature. So many, many questions. Why do you treat one person differently to another? Why is it that one person deserves respect when another doesn't, why is it that you would tell a huge number of others but not me?

Although the whole issue is someone else I keep thinking why me? and why not me? why can't you trust me enough to tell me? why have you tried to hide it from me? Very selfish, egocentric thoughts when the situation at the center of things doesn't involve me... yet.

I just sit back and wonder if you'll have the courage to come forth and tell me, with or without an explanation before I fully complete the puzzle on my own. I also wonder once I have placed all the pieces together if I will have the courage to confront you... or at least say those four words...

I know your secret
then ask - why couldn't you tell me?
why couldn't you trust me?

the jigsaw

Gradually I'm piecing together the jigsaw, the puzzle is starting to take form, an image is emerging.

Is it going to be a good picture or a gruesome one. Will I regret collecting the pieces and putting them together.

I feel that there is pain coming, but from within the pain will growth be born or will it bring everything down to the ground.

Only time will tell, I hope growth rather than chaos and destruction will be the result.

What's one thing you own that you should probably throw away, but never will?

Some clothes that either don't fit or are starting to perish - such items include: My Led Zepplin shirt - a hot hot hot guy gave me for my 15th b'day. He took it straight off his back. Not sure if the shirt or the great view was my true gift, but I will never let it go.
#2 a t shirt with a hot hot hot picture of jasmine hirst (gooogle her) and a gun. It says so many men so few bullets - classic. It was a gift for my 16th b'day
#3 the teeny tiny waisted skirt I was wearing the day I met my ex - my son's dad. Also from when I was 16

Yes the best times of my life were half my lifetime ago!

Ask me anything

Silence Sucks

Silence Sucks - Just ask Martin Luther King Jnr...

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

Or Bob Dylan 

Experience teaches us that silence terrifies people the most.

Yet Confucius says:
Silence is the true friend that never betrays.

Maybe now - with the wisdom of confucius I can start to understand your silence.

My Bucket List

My Bucket List - V1.0

I figure everyone should have a 'Bucket List' - A list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket!

So I have resolved to start my own. I think 100 Items in the list is fair - I will have to come back and edit it to add some, and tick off those I have done.

But for now I present - Version 1.0 of My Bucket List

1. Drink real Absinthe - the green spirit that was long banned
2. Eat something that has truffles in it
3. Have Jello (jelly for us in oz) shots
4, Meet Dave Grohl
5, Learn to play Love buzz on a bass
6. Leave some graffiti under the bridge
7. Go to the Atlantis Resort
8. Have breakfast and read the morning paper in central park
9. Ride Lethal Weapon @ Movie World
10.Get My MC (Multi Combination) licence - to legally drive a B-Double
11. Have sex in a body of water
12. Watch all of the Star Wars movies
13. Watch the entirety of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy (I always fall asleep after they leave the shire)
14. Live in a city other than Sydney
15. Go Skinny dipping
16. Finish a Quilt so it can become a family heirloom
17. Finish the quilts my nan didn't get to
18. Be a size 16 again (well I can hope)
19. Get 'Cause the one's that hurt can give so much, you gave me such' tattooed on me
20. Do @ least one more demolition Derby

I think I will leave it @ 20 for now... The one thing I'd like to re-experience before I die is being pregnant and giving birth - crazy huh? lol  Maybe I only wish that because I know it can't happen!

til version 1.2 - ciao

Ibanez - and a hot chick

As the title says - its a hot girl with an ibanez guitar...

... would look hotter if it were a Fender Jag-Stang!!

More Love Buzz

This is a bit of an experimental post - just to check out this cool online mp3 player - Im going to start an actual real and proper blog soon, so I'm just checking out some features I'd like to add to it.

This being one of them - get yours @ mixpod.com

Music Playlist at MixPod.com